The Diamond Jubilee of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. St. Louis: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 1924. R 977.866 D537
Jabker, Paul William. Holy Cross Lutheran Church: A Typical Lutheran Church in the Growth of St. Louis. St. Louis: [n.p.], 1975. R 977.866 J11H
Immanuel Lutheran Church, the second oldest Lutheran congregation in St. Louis, was formed in 1848 as an offshoot of Trinity Lutheran Church. Four district churches existed in a "Generalgemeinde" or combined parish" Trinity, Holy Cross, Immanuel and Zion. Immanuel was originally located at 11th and 16th Streets.About 1865 it moved to the southeast corner of Morgan and 16th Streets and has been in its in current location in the Lexington neighborhood adjacent to Western Lutheran Cemetery. The congregation merged with St. Philip's Lutheran Church located at 2424 Annie Malone Drive.
Original records are held by Concordia Historical Institute. The records are also available on Family History Library film nos. 1479677 and 1479678.
This index is based on microfilmed copies of original records held by the History and Genealogy Department. Index entries are alphabetical by surname, then given name. Microfilm roll numbers are given for microfilm located in the History and Genealogy Department (SLCL), the Family History Library in Salt Lake City (FHL) and Concordia Historical Institute (CHI).
The History and Genealogy Department wishes to express appreciation to Concordia Historical Institute and Immanuel Lutheran Church for granting permission to publish this index, and to Dennis Dean Barten. for his proofreading assistance.
Eightieth Anniversary: Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1847-1928. St. Louis: Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church, 1928. R 977.866 E34
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Olivette: 125th Anniversary, 1844–1969. St. Louis: Immanuel, 1969. R 977.865 I33
Messiah Lutheran Church, Saint Louis, Missouri: Grand Boulevard at Pestalozzi Street. St. Louis: Messiah Lutheran Church, 1958. R 977.866 M585
Salem Lutheran Church, 125, 1849-1974: Anniversary Pictorial Directory. Hazelwood, Mo.: Yearbook Directory Service, 1974. R977.865 S163
St. James Ev. Lutheran Church, 1932-1957. University City, Mo.: St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1957. R 977.865 S143
St. Lucas Evangelical Lutheran Church: 100th Anniversary, 1905-2005. St. Louis: St. Lucas Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2005. R 977.866 S145
Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, Saint Louis: Golden Jubilee, 1901-1951. St. Louis: Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, 1951. R 997.866 S146
1895, A New Congregation Founded by Faith: 1970, Born Anew to a Living Hope: For 75 Years Impelled by the Love of Christ to Be Ambassadors of God to All Men. St. Louis: St. Peter's Lutheran Church, 1970. R 977.866 E34
A Century of Blessings: St. Trinity Lutheran Church, Vermont at Koeln Avenues, St Louis, Missouri. St. Louis: St. Trinity Lutheran Church, 1929. R 977.866 C397
Timothy Lutheran Church, 1927-1977: Celebrating 50 Years of Service to the Glory of God. St. Louis: Timothy Lutheran Church, 1977. R 977.866 T585
Umbach, Walter O. Founded upon Christ: A Brief Historical Summary of Trinity Lutheran Church (the Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod) of St. Louis, Missouri. St. Louis: W. Umbach, 1966. R 977.866 U48F