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St. Louis Newspapers

St. Louis Globe-Democrat

St. Louis Globe-Democrat

The St. Louis Globe-Democrat was published originally as the Missouri Democrat in 1853 and ceased publication in 1986.

Digitization by

History & Genealogy supplied microfilms for the digitization of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat to digitized the years 1853-1963.  These can be accessed through the library's subscription to

Deaths Reported in St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 1881-1891

The St. Louis Globe-Democrat reported the deaths of St. Louis citizens. The articles usually included the name of the deceased, the date of death, age, address, cemetery, and cause of death. For various years, these deaths were transcribed and presented in issues of the St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly by Virginia Guinther except as noted. The materials from five sources have been combined to create this index:

  • 1881–1883. In St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 26 and continued into volume 34 in 2001.
  • 1887. In 1997 St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 30, number 1, pages 17–20; number 2, pages 80–84; number 4, pages 115–119. (contributed by Sister Sharon Schmitz, RSM).
  • 4 April 1887. In 1999 St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 32, number 4, page 160 (unattributed).
  • 1890. In 1994 St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 27, number 2, pages 37–40.
  • 1891. In 1993 St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 26, number 3, page 86.

The index has been made available by the St. Louis Genealogical Society on their website:  Globe-Democrat 1881-1891

Index to deaths in the Saint Louis Globe-Democrat


This online index references all deaths in Missouri and Illinois mentioned in this daily newspaper and is based on microfilm copies of the newspaper held by St. Louis County Library. Deaths before 1872 were published in the Missouri Democrat, which merged with the St. Louis Globe to become the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Use the links below to access index pages. Indexes to additional years will be added as they are completed.