Over 1,000 art and craft video classes for adults and kids, taught by recognized design experts and artists. Topics include fiber and paper arts, jewelry making, sewing and quilting, food, home and more. Create your free account and enjoy unlimited access to instructional videos, patterns, and access to exclusive documentaries and live video feeds on Creativebug Television (CBTV).
Provides access to practice tests and online mini-courses to help students, recent immigrants, and job seekers. Available practice tests include the S.A.T., A.C.T., Advanced Placement, G.R.E., Civil Service, Citizenship Exam, TOEFL, and many more.
Previously known as Lynda.com, LinkedIn Learning provides access to thousands of online courses and tutorials in seven different languages to help you learn about leadership, career searching, software, marketing, and many other skills essential to the job market. These self-paced courses include videos that vary from a few minutes long to multi-hour courses with downloadable exercise files. With the new upgrade, you also have access to the LinkedIn Learning app!
Please use your library barcode and pin to log into the upgraded LinkedIn Learning. If using the app, the library code is slcl.