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Denominational Records

St. Louis Clergy

Index to Catholic Priests - St. Louis

Names in this index were compiled from the following sources:     
  • Official Catholic Directory, 1841, 1844, 1846 – 1861, 1864 – 1870 (available years)
  • St. Louis City Directories, 1870, 1872, 1874 – 1900 (available years)
Since civil records where signed by the priest, this index provides a valuable tool for crossing over from a civil marriage record to the church marriage record, which often contains more family information.

Tips for searching

Search tips
  • Names are listed in alphabetical order by surname, and entries include the parish he served with years.
  • If the church is listed only as "Jesuit," search the microfilmed records of parishes in St. Louis commonly served by the Jesuits, e.g. St. Anne, St. Ferdinand, St. Francis Xavier, and the St. Joseph, (Shrine of, German).
Characteristics of data extracted from city directories
  • Allowance should be made for the spelling variations and initials shown for some names due to common spelling and typesetting errors.
  • Dates shown for the time periods a priest served at one church may not necessarily be conclusive. Not every priest was listed every year.
  • Names of some of the churches were shortened or altered in the Directories. Most notable were the following, but not for every year listed above: Our Lady of Perpetual Help, shown as, Our Lady of Perpetual Succor. St. Cronan, shown as St. Cronin, St. Mark, shown as, St. Marc, St. Mary of Victories shown as St. Mary's, St. Teresa shown as St. Theresa, Sts. Mary and Joseph shown as St. Mary's.
  • In some directories, only the name of the church, the address, and the hours of service were listed, with the the name of the priest excluded.
  • Several churches listed only the name of the "order" serving that church, rather than the name of the priest. Notable among these churches were St. Anthony (Fathers of Franciscan Convent) and St. Alphonsus (Redemptorist Fathers). These listing were inconsistent, however, with the priest being listed one year but not the next.
  • St. Ann, in the county, disappeared from the listings in 1892.

Information for this list was extracted from local history sources. Each entry includes the name, denomination, and congregation served, and the original source where the information was found. Listings include clergy persons serving Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish congregations.

Clergy serving congregations originating in the Evangelical Synod of North America in St. Louis, 1834 - 2007

This index lists pastors who served congregations in St. Louis City and County that are related to the Evangelical Synod of North America, 1834-1934, the Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1934-1957, or the United Church of Christ, 1957-present. Most congregations listed here originated in the Evangelical Synod of North America, a German-American denomination.

The index provides the name of pastors who served congregations in St. Louis City and County, the years they served them,and the names and locations of their congregations. More information about St. Louis City and County UCC congregations is available on the website of the Archives at Eden Theological Seminary.

Data for this index was contributed by the Archives at Eden Theological Seminary and is used by permission.