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Historic Preservation

Environmental Conditions

Maintain stable environmental conditions regarding temperature, relative humidity, and light levels. These conditions should be appropriate for the specific materials in the collection. Monitoring and controlling these factors help prevent damage from fluctuations and deterioration. Recommended ranges vary depending on the materials but generally range between 18-22 degrees C (64-72 degrees F) and 40-55% relative humidity. Minimize exposure to direct light, especially ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can cause fading and damage. Use UV-filtering glazing or curtains to protect objects on display. Control pests by implementing regular monitoring and preventive measures, such as properly cleaning and sealing storage areas.

Handling Procedures

Develop and implement proper handling procedures to minimize physical damage to artifacts. Use gloves when handling delicate or sensitive objects to prevent oils and dirt from hands transferring to the artifacts. Provide appropriate support and padding during transportation and storage to prevent damage from vibrations, impacts, or shifting.

Storage and Display

Use appropriate storage and display materials and techniques to prevent physical damage. Acid-free and archival-quality materials should be used for storage containers, mounting supports, and display cases. Ensure that artifacts are adequately supported and protected from vibrations, dust, pests, and light exposure.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Regularly clean artifacts using appropriate conservation-grade techniques and materials. However, cleaning should only be carried out by trained professionals to avoid accidental damage. Regular inspections of storage areas and displays are crucial for identifying and addressing any issues promptly.

Documentation and Inventory

Maintain detailed and accurate records of each artifact, including its provenance, condition, and any previous treatments. Implement a comprehensive inventory system to track the location and movement of objects within the collection. Use a standardized system for documentation.Create digital backups of records and store them securely off-site to prevent loss due to accidents or disasters. Use object-specific labels and numbering systems to ensure easy identification and tracking of artifacts.

Security and Emergency Preparedness

Implement appropriate security measures, including access controls, to protect the collection. Develop an emergency response plan that covers procedures for fire, water damage, natural disasters, and other potential risks.