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Media Literacy (Education Outreach): Teen Resources

Information for children, teens, parents, and teachers about media literacy in the age of AI.


eBooks on EBSCOhost

Explora Secondary School

To access media literacy tips, follow the instructions below: 

Explora landing page with research guide option circled



1. Click Research Guide at the bottom of the menu on the left side of the page.



Research and writing tips page with accessing trustworthy sources PDF circled



2. Select the Accessing Trustworthy Sources PDF.

Digital Literacy

LearningExpress Library

To access tutorials about media literacy, you will need to create a free account in LearningExpress Library. After you do that, follow the steps below: 

LearningExpress Library with buttons to click highlighted

1. Select High School Library.

2. Click on High School Success Skills.

3. Select Information Literacy Skills.




List of tutorials with media literacy titles circled4. Next, select a tutorial. Media literacy tutorials include:

Mastering Social Media

Making Sense of Today's Media

How to Find Good Sources and Format Citations

What Is Information Literacy?


Catalog Resources

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

Additional Research Guides