Car Buying Tips by Hector Soto
You may have some idea about how much money you want to spend on your next vehicle purchase. Most people do. They sit down at the kitchen table and take a look at their budget, their available funds, and other expenditures, and they come up with an overall ballpark figure they are not trying to exceed. This is a good idea because it doesn't let you get into trouble purchasing something you eventually cannot afford. Buying above your means might mean you have a gorgeous new ride in your driveway, but the feeling that it gives you can quickly turn sour when the repo man shows up.
In this audiobook you will learn the following:
- 5 Car Buying Apps That Can Save You a Bundle of Money
- Buy a Used Car Online to Save Money and Time
- Buying a Car? Talk as Little as Possible to Get the Best Price
- Getting the Best Price on a Car - Don't Let the Numbers Fool You
- Getting Value When Buying a Car Means Always Being in Buying Mode
- Keep Hush-Hush about Deals and Incentives to Get the Best Car Price
- Know Your Trade-In Value and Negotiate it Separately from Your Vehicle Purchase Price
- Shop at the Right Time to Get the Best Price on a Car
- Smart Car Buyers Know Which Fees to Negotiate
- What You Need to Know to Save Money When You Buy Your Next Used Car
Publication Date: 2020
Car Buying Tips is available as an ebook through Libby only.
Car Shopping Guide and Secrets by Michael Turner
Thе Prоfеѕѕiоnаlѕ Share Thеir Cаr Shоррing Secrets. Cаr shopping should bе ѕоmеthing thаt еxсitеѕ уоu, nоt mаkеѕ уоu stress out. Whilе it is true, thе whоlе еxреriеnсе can bе a bit ѕtrеѕѕful, it dоеѕ nоt have tо be. Thе fоllоwing bооk contains tiрѕ thаt уоu саn uѕе whеn уоu аrе out ѕhоррing fоr уоur nеxt new саr. Whеn buуing a uѕеd саr, a grеаt wау tо tеll if thе саr hаѕ been in аn ассidеnt iѕ to lооk intо thе door frаmеѕ. Usually whеn a саr iѕ rераintеd, you will notice оvеr spray in this аrеа. Thiѕ iѕ not proof thаt a саr wаѕ in аn ассidеnt, but it will let you know it wаѕ rераintеd. Whеn you are rеаdу tо purchase a new vehicle, know уоur budgеt рriоr to viѕiting thе dеаlеr. Dоn't get a саr thаt is mоrе thаn уоu саn аffоrd, even if a ѕаlеѕреrѕоn triеѕ tо convince уоu tо. They are nоt gоing to be ѕtuсk with thе car рауmеntѕ fоr the nеxt several уеаrѕ.
Publication Date: 2019
Car Shopping Guide and Secrets is available as an ebook through Libby only.
Electric Cars for Dummies by Brian Culp
Drive into the 21st century in an electric car With falling cost of ownership, expanded incentives for purchasing, and more model and body type options than ever, it may finally be time to retire the old gas-guzzler and dive into the world of electric car ownership. Electric Cars For Dummies is your guide to becoming lightning powered, reducing your carbon footprint, and saving money on gas while you do it. This book teaches you how to select the battery-charged vehicle that fits your need and budget. It also offers insight into how to maintain your electric car, including answering all your questions about charging your vehicle. Calculate the total cost of ownership, prep your home to become one huge charger, and demystify the battery, the tune-ups and more. Learn the difference in cost of ownership and emissions between electric and gas-powered vehicles Explore your options and find an electric car that fits in your budget Know when and how to charge your vehicle, and what kind of maintenance it needs Figure out how to charge your car on the go This is the perfect book for new and would-be electric car owners looking for guidance on buying and maintaining one of these super sleek machines.
ISBN: 9781119887355
Publication Date: 2022-09-14
How to Buy a Car by HowExpert
If you want to discover how to buy a car without getting ripped off, then get "How To Buy a Car" guide. This step-by-step guide will show you the secrets to buy a car from a car salesman insider point of view. - How to buy any car for lower price than the average car buyer. - How to get the huge discounts using the secrets to get the car that you really want. - Get insider secrets from a former auto dealer general manager. - Save money, time, and effort to get the car you want for the best price. - And much more... HowExpert publishes quick 'how to' guides on all topics from A to Z by everyday experts.
ISBN: 9781647585884
Publication Date: 2020-03-03
How to Buy a Car is available as an audiobook through Libby only.
HOW to BUY a CAR Without Losing Your Shirt by Jay Hamilton; Michael Scott Garvin (Illustrator)
When you walk into a car dealership to look for a car, who do you think has the advantage? Does the customer have the advantage, since he has the money? Not on your life! Even if you buy a new car every two or three years, the salesperson who is about to greet you talks to at least three or four customers EVERY DAY! The dealer has this down to a science, and you don't. This book will tell you what to watch out for, and how the salesperson is trained to control the customer.
ISBN: 9781523306688
Publication Date: 2016-03-20
How to Buy a Car without Losing Your Shirt is available as an ebook through Libby only.
How to Buy a Classic Car Like a Pro Even if You Are a Rookie by Ron K. Snyder
For many car enthusiasts, the appeal of a classic car is irresistible. The history, the style, the prestige – there's nothing quite like owning a classic car. But for the uninitiated, buying a classic car can be a daunting prospect. There are a few things you need to take into account before taking the plunge, such as your budget, your storage space and whether you're prepared to put in the extra work required to maintain a classic car. In this blog post, we'll run through everything you need to know about how to buy a classic car.
Publication Date: 2022
How to Buy a Classic Car Like a Pro is available as an ebook through Libby only.
Hybrid Cars by Jim Stephens
Like many individuals and groups out there in the real world, we ask the really obvious, but sometimes also tough questions to answer that most struggle with when contemplating the addition of a Hybrid vehicle to their driveway, garage and lifestyle. Some of the questions go to the fundamentals, like: Why hybrid vehicles? What are they? Are they any good? What do they cost? Where would they be found? Who uses them? How are they best applied? Even more intricate and complex questions surface than at first glance and consideration: How do you make up your mind about hybrid cars? Is a hybrid vehicle even a viable option and alternative? Are there certain circumstances that a hybrid would be considered better, more efficient? What are the actual benefits of hybrid vehicles? What criteria is there to use and pay special attention to when buying a hybrid vehicle?
ISBN: 9781648301322
Publication Date: 2020-03-24
Hybrid Cars is available as an audiobook through Libby only.
Think Like a Lawyer: Negotiating a New Car Purchase by Larry Kahn
Buying a new car can be both exciting and frightening. There’s a lot of money at stake, and car salesmen are notoriously slick. This short ebook will guide you through the car buying process, arming you with enough information and negotiating tools to bring the most battle-hardened salesman to his knees. Most of the work can be accomplished from home. It’s so easy to get the absolute rock bottom price for your dream car that you’ll almost wish you could do it more often! Think Like A Lawyer: Negotiating A New Car Purchase provides a simple procedure based on the author's negotiating experience with car dealers and in the business world. It focuses on new car purchases, although some of the advice is transferable to used car negotiations, as well. Kahn's style is concise, providing clear action steps without puffing up the writing with long anecdotes or redundancy to make it seem more impressive. If you follow the author's methodology, you will avoid the tricks and traps employed by car salesman and ultimately save hundreds, maybe even thousands, of dollars on your first new car purchase!
Publication Date: 2012
Think Like a Lawyer is available as an ebook through Libby only.