THE MILITARY TEEN EXPERIENCE A Snapshot of America’s Military Teenagers and Future ForceThe National Military Family Association (NMFA) has again partnered with Bloom: Empowering the Military Teen to better understand the experience of America’s military teens. In 2021, they fielded their first Military Teen Experience Survey, and over 2,000 military-connected kids ages 13-19 gave them a snapshot of their lives. They shared information about moves, deployments, and transferring schools. They told them how hard it was to feel connected after a move, how they’d lost credits in school, struggled to get into the right classes, and were unable to enroll in the extracurriculars they love. Using the Short-version Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS), a validated instrument, to measure their well- being, they learned that they needed to do a better job paying attention to children’s mental health. And they took them by surprise when, despite all the things that make military life difficult, over half declared their own intent to serve in the future. "Military life is hard – but it is also good."