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Dyslexia and Print Disability Resources: Accessible DBs

Resources for patrons who have a print disability and for patrons, parents, and teachers who have people with a print disability in their lives.


The library has hundreds of databases, and knowing where to start can be difficult. Below you will find the library databases that have accessibility features built into them. Not all databases contain the same features, but many have similar functions. The databases are grouped by subject matter for convenience.

Built-in accessibility functions include reading aloud, color scheme changes, text resizing, page masks, OpenDyslexic font, closed captioning, and transcripts. Some of databases contain all of these accessibility features, and some contain only one or a combination of them. Any database that reads articles aloud will have a speaker icon to click. For those that have text and screen manipulation functions, the options are usually found either by clicking on the three horizontal lines next to the speaker icon or by clicking on a little gray cog. Turn on closed captioning for videos by clicking the CC button at the bottom of the video screen. The accessibility features are noted in each database's description. "Full accessibility features" means a database has read aloud, text/screen, and CC/transcript options as appropriate.

Not all articles found in these databases are accessible. Some databases offer patrons the choice of viewing the material as HTML Full Text or as a PDF. Be sure to select the HTML Full Text version in order to use the accessibility functions.

Databases for K-8 Learners

Databases for Teachers and Secondary School through Adult Learners

Business Databases

eMedia Databases

Health and Medicine Databases

Periodical Databases

Reference Databases

Other Databases