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Science Experiments and Science Fair Ideas for Kids, Parents, and Teachers: Biology

Parent and teacher resources about the scientific method, conducting experiments, and local citizen scientist opportunities.

Academic Search Elite

  • Handwashing Experiment for Students: The article discusses the two experiments developed by the National Association of Biology Teachers and offers a review of "BAM! Body and Mind," an online destination for kids and a place teachers can get science and health-related ideas and activities.

Scholastic Teachables

  • Soda Bottle Greenhouse: Soda Bottle Science: With this life science experiment, kids investigate whether the color of light impacts the growth of plants. Includes a step-by-step teaching guide and a reproducible lab sheet.
  • Colored Leaves: Soda Bottle Science: With this life science experiment, kids discover how plants transport water through their tissue. Includes a step-by-step teaching guide and a reproducible lab sheet.
  • Transpiration Bottle: Soda Bottle Science: With this life science experiment, kids observe how transpiration works in plants. Includes a step-by-step teaching guide and a reproducible lab sheet.
  • Warm and Furry (Mammals): Students discover how mammals are adapted to their environments.
  • Fungus Among Us (Yeast and Molds): Students investigate fungi by comparing plants and observing mold.
  • Indoor Plumbing (Plant Stems): Students observe the structure and function of plant stems.
  • Web of Life (Food Webs): Students discover and demonstrate how plants, animals, and fungi are all interconnected in one giant web.
  • You've Got Heart (The Heart & Circulatory System): Students discover how the heart and circulatory system works through a demonstration and hands-on investigation.
  • Under the Sea (Fish and Mollusks): Students explore some of the special adaptations that allow animals to survive in the ocean, including a hands-on observation of shells.

What Is Biology? From 2 Minute Classroom

Explora Elementary

  • Mighty Microbes: The article focuses on an experiment related to the presence of microbes in the environment.

Middle Search Plus

  • Can Plants Stop Soil Erosion? This article from Science News Explores discusses the potential of plants to reduce soil erosion. Soil erosion can have negative impacts on farmland, waterways, and can even contribute to landslides. The article suggests conducting a mini experiment to investigate whether plant roots, which absorb water and hold onto soil, can help reduce erosion. The experiment involves planting radish seeds in pans of soil, exposing the soil to rainfall, and comparing the amount of soil eroded with and without plants. The full activity and instructions can be found at in partnership with Science Buddies.