The universe is made up of all kinds of stuff. There are galaxies, stars, planets, comets, black holes, and other objects we can see with our eyes or with the help of telescopes. But there are also lots of other things in space that we cannot see, and we do not know much about this stuff. The objects that scientists have found make up about 5% of all the things in the universe. The rest of the stuff out there is known as dark matter and dark energy.
Dark matter is the name given to objects with gravity that do not reflect the kind of light we can detect with our current technology. Scientists do not know what those objects are, but they know the objects exist because they observe objects they can see cast shadows where no objects appear to be, and they also use the Hubble telescope to watch light bend as it passes through a special kind of lens. Scientists believe dark matter makes up about 27% of the stuff in space.
Dark energy is the other stuff in space that scientists study. Because the universe is still expanding, scientists believe there is some kind of energy making it grow, and they have named it "dark energy." They do not know much about dark energy yet, but they believe it makes up about 67% of all the stuff in space.
Source: NASA SpacePlace