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World Mythology: Home

Information about mythology and library resources for studying world mythology.


Welcome to the St. Louis County Library's World Mythology LibGuide. In this libguide, you will find basic information about myths including what they are, elements of a myth, examples of different kinds of myths, and links to all kinds of amazing electronic and physical resources in the library related to mythology. 

Many of the links, examples, and articles in the libguide connect to St. Louis County Library database resources. In order to access these resources, you must have a valid St. Louis County Library card.

Additionally, the St. Louis County Library's collection of mythology resources is vast, and therefore only some of the resources are highlighted in this libguide.

Encyclopedia and Article Databases

The St. Louis County Library has many databases for exploring a variety of topics related to mythology. You can search for specific myths, characters, or regions. You will need a St. Louis County Library card to access these resources. For additional help with these or any electronic resources, please contact the Reference Department. 

Resources for Elementary School Children

Resources for Teens and Adults

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Media Literacy (Education Outreach)

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Online Education for preK-12 Learners

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Science Experiments and Science Fair Ideas for Kids, Parents, and Teachers

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Teen Reference

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